Dog Walk Philosophy: The Eggleston Of It All.

I walk my dog every morning. Most mornings we walk pretty much the same route. So I decided to give myself a challenge. Find something unique along the path I tread daily and take a photo. Somedays there will be something genuinely new. Others I will have to find a way to shoot the mundane with a new perspective.

Bean is a great dog but he has no patience for my photography. He'll tug and pull at his leash making it a challenge to get a well framed in focus shot. Especially when shooting with an older camera and a manual lens. The situation makes me think of William Eggleston who was famous for not spending a lot of time nailing a shot.

“I only ever take one picture of one thing. Literally. Never two. So then that picture is taken and then the next one is waiting somewhere else", Eggleston explained.

In an age of overpowered cameras, editing software with ungodly capabilities, and the looming spectre of AI imperfection has become soothing. It's why so many of us are ditching our camera phones for twenty-year-old digicams.

Maybe we're heading into a new Egglestonian era where we lean into the crunchiness of life instead of trying to smooth the world around us.

Or maybe I'm justifying Bean's lack of leash training. Life's unanswerable questions.

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